Monday, March 9, 2009

Oh my..

I've fallen victim to this horrible horrible thing called blogging. I ensure you though, it will be no sob story blah blah blah my life is so bad deal. I hate those. I think they hate me too.

I just noticed that the examples for "Labels for this post" include scooters. Who the hell writes a blog about scooters? Better yet, who the hell wants to waste valuable time reading a bullshit blog about scooters? What can you even talk about when blogging on scooters? "The other day I rode my scooter. It is silver. It says Razor. The handle bars are blue."
Aha. It just hit me. They included that example to be relevant to kindergartners who choose to write about that day that they rode their scooter. It is silver. Shouldn't parents be weary of a 5 year old blogging online? There are many perverts who would love to read about Jimmy's scooter. It is silver.

I saw Watchmen today. Well done. I enjoyed it immensely. And... that's all I have to say on that.

Choose to read my blog, enlightened you will be.

(I'm making it a personal rule that the last line of every post be in Yoda speak.)

-Kool Kat, Skat Kat, Matty, Matt, Matthew, Jedi Master Mat Gon Jinn

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