Monday, March 9, 2009

A few things that have been on my mind

Welcome back. ha. I say that as if anyone actually reads this damn thing.

So listen, I've been thinking about this and I need to get it off my chest. Why the hell do they make so many options available when choosing a toothbrush? I mean I totally understand the revolving brush head, or even the built in tongue cleaner, but why so many colors and grips? I mean is it really that inconvenient to hold a feather weight piece of plastic in your hand for under two minutes? Honestly, if your hand is cramping from brushing your teeth, a bigger problem is present than whether or not the brush has a grip. I mean to look at one of these toothbrushes you would think that it was built to be aerodynamically proficient instead of maintain proper hygiene.
I just don't understand it. Please, if someone knows why this is, please tell me because I am honestly in the dark here.

Another thing, the slogan "fish are friends, not food" just does not do it for me. I mean that slogan makes me want to grab Henry out of the tank, and take him out for a night on the town. Maybe drink a few beers with the guys afterward. I mean, Henry is a real pal, ya know? I'm sorry vegans, but until you come up with a better slogan, I'll continue to make regular trips to Red Lobster.

Brush your teeth with this, stylish you will be.


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